Daily Tarot Reading | The Queen of Cups Upright

Daily Tarot Reading | The Queen of Cups Upright

Take a moment to view this card and feel what it is saying to you in your personal life.


The reader has a kindly, wise, and affectionate woman in their life that they can look to for guidance. Whether it be an issue in their life, or they just need a figure to look to as an example, think of that person in your mind. The woman does not have to physically be a woman, it can be someone feminine presenting or someone with a feminine energy. 

If the reader is feminine presenting then the above qualities listed for the queen is in you, but it is undeveloped so take today to recenter and think of steps you can take to work towards your idealized self. 

The queen can also represent a creative endeavor, relationship, or circumstance that is cast in a positive tone. The cups are almost always positive when they appear in a reading, especially in the upright position. After viewing the card on your own and reading the interpretation above, take a moment to think over what today's card means to you,

Personal Interpretation

The Queen of Cups appears to me as a woman who is a gentle leader. She oozes positivity and I, personally take her as a good sign to continue moving forward with my creative plans. But I also consider the advice my mom had recently given me about slowing down and building on what I already have going for me in my creative endeavors. Perhaps, when you are taking in this card and considering what it could possibly mean to you, you can go about it similarly. Take the card as a positive sign to your project but reflect on any advice given to you by a wise feminine figure or think of any questions you can pose to that figure concerning your project.

Self Reflection

Although there are multiple meanings to this card, I advise the reader to think about any projects or people this card can represent. If it only represents a project, relationship, or circumstance still consider if you have anything you need advice on from a trusted feminine figure or even your own intuition. Although those situations are seen as positive, it still doesn't hurt to get that added foundation from a wise and kindly queen in your life.

Thank you for reading and I hope you find this card helpful in your day. Again, look at the card and listen to what it tells you, see how it equates to your life. My interpretation is only part of the reading, how it speaks to you will truly define what it means.
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